Tuesday, June 23, 2009


part of our group OUR TINY ROOM
Moses! he was the mechanic who is a youth pastor. He ran triathalons, was extremely smart, and was really cool to hang with(sometimes he was hard to understand so it got annoying but most of the time he was cool).

Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia
some of the most beautiful places I have ever seen(and i've seen beautiful places)
sunsets and sunrises put all others to shame
The clouds were awesome


WHOA hold up a second?!?!? why is there a microscopic bathroom in the scenery section?!

SORRY my pics are all mixed up so if you want to see mor pics and if you want to see them in order i will show you ... BTW that was the guys bathroom you could go to the bathroom brush your teeth and shower at the same time(dont ask me how i know)

the boat


we died Danny's hair red

Brazilian friends(dont ask 'bout the girl in the pink) jk

wow Jay!?

playing with the cannons at the fort

piranha (i actually caught 2)

all 50 some of the kids from the church wanted to help us with our luggage so they stormed the hotel (scared the wits out of the janitor) and carried our bags!

Danny chillin outside the salon with a dog

if you look closely you can see the cross

church kids

sleepin on the tile in the airport

peoples(basically my brothers and sisters now)

Josh mosquito proofing our room(yes we did fit 4 guys in that room) even though there were barely any bugs!

Michelle caught this huge fish!


Elly said...

Wow bro that was an awesome trip...and you just had to post the blackmail pic of Michelle huh?? ;) jk love the pics and love the commentary but where's the pic of MY piranha?? jk

Drew said...

i put that michelle pic cause i thought it was funny when i said"hold up a second"

Matthew said...

THere were a lot I reapeat lot of WEird Pics!! NOt Gona say no more.

Matthew said...


Matthew said...


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Matthew said...
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Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures! The sunsets are amazing!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

haha great pics. except that one of the psyco girl...lol that was such a blast. :)